Ghosts Next Door

Ghosts Next Door
by Lopaka Kapanui

Sep 30, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #33


"...Who's gonna plug their ears when you scream?..."

This isn't one of those stories where my ex and I are making a last-ditch effort to salvage whatever is left of our broken marriage. Gwen and I hate each other, no question about it, but today she finished work late.

Sep 29, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #34


"The kids are doing really good in school," William Enos explained to his mother. "They're getting good marks and performing well in sports."

"That's wonderful to hear Bill, you must tell them how proud I am. You won't forget, will you?" Barbara Enos asked.

"I won't forget mom," William promised her.

Sep 28, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #35


In the days of old, whenever our people traveled, be it from one village to another, they were sure to bring those necessary items with them that would provide for their basic needs for sustenance and comfort.  Whether it was a water gourd or a sleeping mat or even a pillow made of lauhala, these items were a personal, everyday part of the ordinary Hawaiian person's life.

Sep 27, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #36


The energy wheel consists of a small square of florist’s planter block, a sewing needle, and a piece of paper that is measured at two inches square. Two opposite corners of the paper are almost folded so that they are touching, forming a triangle.

Sep 26, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #37


Equipped with the money Iʻd only dreamed of having while growing up,  I found that the feeling was surprisingly sober. I suppose I was meant to be rich much later in life rather than during my stupid, arrogant, and careless youth.

Sep 25, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #38


Amelia Baroga could not get her furniture to fit the living room of the Kaimuki house. It seemed that no matter how she tried to position the two love seats, and her China hutch, they would not match the architecture of the simple four-cornered main room. What was it that made the living room so unusual?

Sep 24, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #39


"....I've got to run to keep from hidin',
and I'm bound to keep on ridin'...."

Ted and Nancy were touristing from San Marino located in northern California just across the golden gate bridge. They wanted to go to see Pearl Harbor but they decided to cheap it, well, Ted did. Nancy thought it was better and quicker to drive there in the rent-a-car. Ted insisted on catching the city bus from the Hilton. Needless to say, they got turned around and somehow ended up in the depths of Manoa valley. Nancy figured out that they were going in the wrong direction the second the city bus passed the Shriner's hospital.

Sep 22, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #41


Whenever new groups show up on the paranormal scene they all go through the same growth process. The first is coming up with a cool name, the second is getting all the latest ʻparanormalʻ equipment and the third is that they emulate whatever they see on reality television. The fourth is that they compare themselves to other existing groups as better than the established ones. Great way to make friends guys.

Sep 21, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #42


The bus kicked up red dirt and gravel when it pulled up in front of my house. Some of it got into the vehicle when the hydraulics hissed the double doors open. I showed the driver my all-day pass and took a seat in the back. Brandy was already sitting there dressed in her opened blue flannel shirt, white Ojisan shirt underneath, a pair of black jeans, and white tennis shoes.

Sep 20, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #43


"Jon, I donʻt wanna be here, itʻs a Sunday and Iʻm at home watching the game and the contractor calls and tells me that you owe him $4,000 and you keep saying youʻre going to meet him but you never show. Jon, just tell me that you have $4,000 on you right now, otherwise, I have to do something and thatʻs really gonna fuck up my Sunday."

Sep 19, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #44


Her best days were long past; the memories of the spotlight on the stage with a capacity crowd standing on their feet were now white noise in the most distant of yesterdays. The adoration and wonder of her otherworldly performances could be found in any video archive if one cared to search for them today. She could no longer wear the outfits and dresses that framed her once svelte figure, but wearing the loose-fitting muʻumuʻu was much more merciful.

Sep 18, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #45


Case File: 2794986-001

Keʻeaumoku Street

James was the go-to guy for my tattoos. His artwork was great and very imaginative, so I never had to pick out a design. He always did my tattoos freehand and he always did the talking, well, it was more like an interview except that James knew the right questions to ask.

Sep 17, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #46


FILE CASE: #10081-23-512

'EWA 1978

I hadn't done well during my Sophmore year in high school I was part of a dance group and I was so caught up in it that nothing else mattered to me. My grades suffered, and so I had to go to summer school. I had no choice, my father told me that I wasn't going to be held back, I was going to finish the 10th grade because he'd only gone that far in high school so he didn't want the same for me. The summer school wasn't the punishment, it was placing poles in the acreage we had behind our house. That was the punishment. My father told me that I would also have to dig the holes as well, I wanted to cry but my father whispered into my ear, "You cry, and I'm going to beat your ass."

Sep 16, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #47


CASE FILE #383-6617.02



I know what deep-seated insecurity feels like and I know what it does to a person over the long term. Someone would have to have a very thick layer of skin to not be bothered by the negative thoughts and feelings that are put upon them day in and day out by other people.

Sep 15, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #48


When we first moved to our home, the neighbors who lived behind us noticed our grand-children exploring and playing in the backyard. Imagine the surprise when our grand-children came in the house to let us know that they'd just made a brand new friend and that he was on his way over.

Sep 14, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #49


FILE CASE #1082-38340

The Stranger: Palolo

It was early and my stomach was growling so I washed my face and brushed my teeth, fixed up my hair a bit, and then headed out to the drive-thru for breakfast. I was still wearing my shirt and shorts from the night before, I also had my socks on because when it gets cold in Palolo, it chills you right down to your feet. I walked out to the van and backed it out of the driveway and soon I was off. Dammit, it was low on gas.

Sep 13, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #50


Dealing with evil is not always a matter of being a heroic paranormal investigator or a clergy person who specializes in demonology and exorcisms. Evil doesn't necessarily show itself on a grandiose scale and neither does it parade itself about, daring even the holiest of men to cast it out if they can. Evil can be found in the school teacher who sees his student being bullied but does nothing about it. Evil can be found in the pharmacist who purposely ups the dosage to a patient thereby endearing death to partake of his bounty. Evil lurks within the grocery store clerk - no one knows he beats his elder mother and takes her social security checks.

Sep 12, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #51


It's 12:35 in the afternoon. The end is near, any minute now to be frank. It's because time is short that I'll get to the point. I'll say this, the first thing is my name is Deone and paranormal investigations is my thing, it had been for a while. Everybody knows that after you do things for a certain amount of time you begin to think you're an expert on the subject.

Sep 11, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #52


It lives and thrives in the mold and mildew of long-standing homes whose occupants were caught up in the despair of broken relationships and generational abuse. It's the kind of mold and mildew that can't be cleaned and cleansed away by a good sponge, dust mop, and some elbow grease. Its collective festering is the result of an inner seething self-hate left over by its previous tenants that flakes away from the layers of the meticulously painted walls of the house.

Sep 10, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #53


On the morning that Rae Anne Tanaka took her own life, a simple breeze skimmed over the waters of Māmala at Honolulu harbor and made its way into a parking lot where it lifted a small pile of faded orange and pink shower tree petals with such sublime grace that it became as one with the wind. Carrying the petals in a long swooping pattern back toward the Aloha Tower, Rae Anne couldn’t help but notice that the combination of wind and petals seemed to be gathering around her. It gave her an odd sense of comfort and support as if those few hundred petals was a place where she could lay her head to rest.

Sep 9, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #54


Grant Society Case File: #0000006


The ring from Raymond’s phone bounced off of the walls of his small office and startled him from his project, which he was not certain was even correct. The trustees of the old Church Choir were antiquated, aristocratic descendants of the old missionary families whose ideals had worn out their relevance to modern times. The choir suffered due to the lack of investors who saw no use in floating an artistic entity that recycled the same formula for the past six seasons. It was frustrating for young Raymond who, himself, was a music teacher and an opera singer. Now, he sat in front of his work computer looking at yet another version of a letter that he hoped would change the mind of his employers once and for all.

Sep 8, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #55


Grant Society Case File #1130320-10

Jade Street, Makaha

In my nightmare, the ice-cold hands held my ankles firmly in its grip and yanked me down into the dark abyss off of the sandy shores of Keawaʻula. It toyed with me and let me resurface long enough to catch my breath then it would jerk me back down just under the surface of the water where it kept me a second longer each time. I prayed for those hands to loosen their grip just long enough so that I could get away but to no avail, it had already been fifteen minutes.

Sep 7, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #56


It was a muggy Saturday morning and Devon’s team was down by two points.  The baseball field was slick and wet from the early morning rain and several of Devon’s teammates slipped, slid and tumbled on their way to home plate. 

Sep 6, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #57


Grant Society Case File: #33101-15

16th Avenue Bridge Kaimuki

Evelyn Gemma asked me to meet her at two ‘o clock in the morning at the sixteenth avenue overpass in Kaimuki. She needed help; her daughter’s ghost was going to appear at that exact hour as she had done for nearly two years. It was where she was killed when a speeding car hit her and took her life as she was running across the bridge to get into her boyfriend’s waiting car. The car that killed her, and she never saw it coming.

Sep 5, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #58



No one who lived in the house could stay for too long. In less than a month of residing in the humble one-bedroom abode, the occupants ran from the domicile screaming for their life, but would never speak of their reason for fleeing.

Sep 4, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #59


Grant Society File #18317-04 Kaimuki. 2nd Avenue

“There’s been speculation over the years about your house being haunted,” I said.

Sep 3, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #60


(Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. It never happened.)


What was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to lie and tell him that I was capable of doing something that I really couldn't do? Of course not; he'd already been through that with a fake con man psychic named Elias Morrow, who promised Ken Watase's late wife that he could completely cure her of her cancer, the stipulation being that it would cost her thirty thousand dollars.

Sep 2, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #61


I called him Me-Lo when he was a puppy because it just seemed like it was his name. It was a rare occasion where the Hawaiian Humane Society had a litter of German Shepard pups which they found abandoned and left in a huge box at their door.

Sep 1, 2019

100 Ghost Stories Counting Down To Halloween 2019 #62


Even as I sit here, I question myself as to why I agreed to have dinner with a man that I have nothing but contempt for, and yet here I am. He makes a great spaghetti sauce, and his noodles are boiled to perfection, just tender, not overdone. It’s just too bad that I hate him so much.