Irene J. Foster visited me two days ago to let me know that a particular person would come forward and own up to what she wanted me to say.
I leaned in closer as she motioned me toward her. She whispered specific instructions which were simple to follow. The following evening, the moment of truth had arrived. I was introduced by the evening's master of ceremonies and took the stage before an attendance of some twelve hundred people. After some banter and a smidgen of humor, I asked the question."Is there an Irene Foster with us, living or non-living?"
This same question would be asked intermittently as the evening went on. Finally, toward the end of the presentation, the question was asked for the last time, "Is there an Irene Foster with us, living or non-living?"
A voice from the darkened theatre replied, "Irene J. Foster, I was her caretaker until the end."
"Was it cancer?" I replied.
"It was," the voice came back.
"Then she's here for you," I said. "She told me you would be here yesterday, and she wanted to thank you."
"I was with her 'til the end," the voice stated.
"She said it's a horrible thing to die alone, but you were there-she, thanks to you," I concluded.
A short mission indeed, but nevertheless, a crucial message to someone that needed to know that their efforts did not go unnoticed. Even by the dead.

So, did you take a picture with Foster's caregiver at the Hawaii Theater show last night??